This is from the "Verse of the Day" website, one to which I subscribe for a daily meditation. Daily meditation and quiet time is important to me because it's what helps me keep my faith centered and renewed. I don't know, though, that I've really thought lately about sharing that faith with anyone. Living as I do in the South, I generally assume that most people are Christians unless they say differently (or unless, these days, it's a woman walking around in a burka). What I do try to do is live my life as a follower of Christ and hope that people notice the difference between me and others around me.
I'm sure that my faith gives me tools that help me live life better now than I did before I made a conscious decision to walk in it. Let me explain: I've been a Christian virtually all my life, at least since the age of 12, and have always tried to be a "good" person and behave as I was taught a Christian does. However, it wasn't until I really started reading the Bible and meditating on it in my quiet time that my faith became deep enough that I didn't have to try to behave. I just did. The tools were just there. Instead of church and Christianity being about a bunch of do not's, it's really about a bunch of do's -- and I can do that.
For example:
- Give people the benefit of the doubt (instead of don't judge)
- Smile nicely and say nothing (instead gossiping or spreading rumors)
- Say, "well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion," (instead of arguing)
- Walk away (instead of screaming & yelling, or punching their lights out!)
Isn't it so very exhausting trying to be "good enough?" I agree, it's much easier to allow God to infuse us with His love, supplying us the grace we need for every situation and encounter. Great post...keep meditating on His Word and keep writing! :)